NSOutlineView indentation in Lion
Christiaan Hofman
2011-09-19 22:10:06 UTC
I have an NSOulineView that does not properly indent the expansion markers of secondary items on Lion. Basically, secondary expandable rows are not indented, all the expansion markers are to the far left and the text starts right behind it, also for secondary items (children). Non-expandable rows are properly indented as expected. The outlineview is in source list style. Also, the outlineview has indentationMarkerFollowsCell set to YES. On earlier OS systems this all works as expected, i.e. children are all indented according to their level, including the expansion markers. I cannot find anything in the docs or the release notes saying that Lion has a different behavior in this respect.

Does anyone else see this, and know how to fix this? Is this a (known) bug?

